Pictures Category

Helldribble Auran Brisbane Australia

April 18, 2020, at 07:47 AM by mgarcia in Pics (0 comments)

Image of Aurans website httpauran.combrisbaneaurandefault.htm....

Image: Helldribble Auran Brisbane Australia


Helldribble-A Game Development Blog

April 18, 2020, at 06:35 AM by mgarcia in 2020, Industry, Pics, GameDev, Blog (2 comments)

A gamedev blog from Brisbane, Australia. 1998-2000....



Pioneer PlayStation developer. Andy Gavin

March 02, 2020, at 10:24 AM by mgarcia in 2020, Industry, Friends, NetYaroze, Pics, GameDev, Blog (2 comments)

Andy Gavin mentions the inside help they got from Sony, I would assume hes talking about Bill Guschwan?....

Image: Pioneer PlayStation developer Andy Gavin


Net Yaroze setup and programming help

February 29, 2020, at 09:22 AM by mgarcia in 2020, NetYaroze, Pics, GameDev, Blog (0 comments)

If you need help with Net Yaroze, info or technical help, reach out! I came across an ebay listing from an original Net Yaroze member........

Image: Net Yaroze setup and programming help


The Video Games Supply Chain from 1994

December 10, 2019, at 02:50 AM by mgarcia in 2019, Industry, Pics, GameDev, Blog (2 comments)

Interesting gdmag article detailing the video games business pipeline of development, publishing, distribution and retailers.....

Image: The Video Games Supply Chain


Dino Dini - A gamedev with many missions

November 26, 2019, at 09:09 AM by mgarcia in 2019, Industry, Friends, Pics, GameDev, Blog (2 comments)

Dino Dini new podcast Computer Science series called The Moths of Programming....

Image: Dino Dini A gamedev with many missions


Poor man's 3D Collision Detection

November 10, 2019, at 09:54 AM by mgarcia in 2019, 3DS, Pics, GameDev, Blog (2 comments)

Its been a while since Ive updated my gamedev blog on my actual game, Ive been focused on other things mostly, and also figuring out a quick and dirty....

Image: Poor mans Collision Detection


Cross country touring on my Suzuki GSX-R 125cc

November 02, 2019, at 12:32 AM by mgarcia in 2019, Misc, Pics, Blog (6 comments)

I rode a motorcycle for the first time in 10 years on Tuesday the 8th of October 2019 at 5pm from a bike shop in Melbournes CBD. I bought it brand new....

Image: Cross country touring on my Suzuki GSX R 125cc


Garage Developers are Not Dead

October 31, 2019, at 09:05 AM by mgarcia in 2019, Industry, Pics, GameDev, Blog (0 comments)

One of the few things that caught my eye via RSS last month was Mike Roses How well are PC games selling in 2019? (Spoiler Not Great). He basically lo....

Image: Garage Developers are Not Dead


Quick update no internet and motorbike

October 17, 2019, at 10:10 AM by mgarcia in 2019, Industry, Misc, Pics, GameDev, Blog (5 comments)

Just a quick post to show some signs of life....

Image: Quick update no internet and motorbike



August 24, 2019, at 11:46 AM by mgarcia in 2019, Pics (0 comments)

Adding a FTDI serial to a PSONE ....

Image: PSONE to FDTI


Retro computing to electronics

August 03, 2019, at 08:14 AM by mgarcia in 2019, Industry, Friends, Misc, Pics, GameDev, Blog, Electronics (2 comments)

A quick update about how I recently got back into retro computers and electronics.

Image: 300 in 1 Electronic Lab


gamble purchase. C64c and Atari ST 520FM

July 23, 2019, at 04:07 AM by mgarcia in 2019, Pics (0 comments)

I recently bought a Commodore C64c (with dataset, power supply and 2 joysticks) and Atari ST 520FM (with some random floppies) both untested and rattl....

Image: gamble purchase C64c and Atari ST 520FM


130 in 1 Electronic Project lab and Intertan 300 in 1 kit

July 23, 2019, at 03:56 AM by mgarcia in 2019, Pics (0 comments)

I bought these before getting the newer 300 in 1....

Image: 130 in 1 Electronic Project lab and Intertan 300 in 1 kit


300 in 1 Electronic Lab

July 23, 2019, at 03:48 AM by mgarcia in 2019, Pics (0 comments)

300 in 1 Electronic Lab kit....

Image: 300 in 1 Electronic Lab


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