PC Category

Linux Development Virutal Machine for 32blit SDK

October 23, 2021, at 04:21 AM by mgarcia in 2021, PC, Pics, GameDev, Blog (3 comments)

Linux Development Virtual Machine for 32blit, PicoSystem, VGABoard (aka reference design by Raspberry Pi Pico)....

Image: Linux Development Virutal Machine for 32blit SDK


Restarting on a new engine... crazy I know!

February 27, 2019, at 08:26 AM by mgarcia in 2019, 3DS, PC, Pics, GameDev, Blog (1 comments)

Yeah, it sucks to go back to nothing.. but had to be done. Targeting the original Nintendo 3DS with 3D requires a pretty lean engine. And while my old....

Image: Restarting on a new engine crazy I know


Computer organization and architecture by Null and Labur

February 19, 2019, at 09:01 AM by mgarcia in 2019, PC, Pics, GameDev, Blog (1 comments)

Great for learning computer fundamentals. Math, hardware, OS, network and programming.....

Image: Computer organisation and architecture by Null and Labur


Virtual Reality Gaming, A failure to launch?

November 18, 2018, at 12:12 AM by mgarcia in 2018, Blog, Industry, PC, GameDev (0 comments)

When does retro stop being retro?

Archived (opens in new window)

2016/07/07 - Xbox One Dev Mode the modern Net Yaroze (Console Hobby Dev kit)
2015/09/12 - Urho3D Tracing Hello World (see next & prev)
2015/09/12 - Gameplay3D vs Urho3D
2014/02/04 - shade3d for unity3d, a quick tutorial
2013/11/10 - Beginners guide into game development using the Gameplay3D game engine framework
2013/10/04 - Shade 3D for Unity! A free Blender alternative for FBX & Y-Up users!

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