About Me
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October 09, 2018, at 08:44 AM (2 comments)
Author: mgarcia Date: 2018-10-09 17:44 +1100 Tags: Misc, Blog Comments: Open
Mike MGarcia's Games Development Blog
A hobbyist Mobile/PC/Android/Console game development blog
Hi I’m Michael M. Garcia,
I’ve been interested in programming and game development since 1987.
We had a Commodore 64 and for a few years, I would program it from the old Usborne BASIC coding books borrowed from my school library.
In my later teens, I revisited programming and then bought a Net Yaroze in 1999.
In 2000, I started developing a 3D scrolling beat’em up, which only screen shots survived (found Oct. 2018).
I graduated Queensland University of Technology in 2001 (Ba info.sys) & (Grad Dip in ERP), got a job and moved.
In 2013, I revisited game development after the launch of Ouya, Mojo, etc.
I played with a few game engines, but none really held my interest long enough.
2016, I committed myself to (mostly) finishing a game on the Net Yaroze.
I made a simplified Doom clone, single or two player split screen game (demo).
2017, While considering my options, I wrote all my thoughts on the previous year developing on the Net Yaroze.
2018, Using the same Net Yaroze philosophies, I’m now developing for Nintendo’s 3DS, and it’s pretty much the same experience as the original Net Yaroze days!
I also host and manage the old PAL region (SCEE) Net yaroze member’s site.
This was the home pages of the members only site.
I have a few friends which I follow and hang out with.
In my blog I write about what interests me regarding game development.
Topics includes games programming, 3d Modeling, game engines, TV android consoles and gaming industry in general.
Check the blog for updates.
My blog is powered by https://www.pmwiki.org/
Frequently Asked Questions
Why do you have your own domain, a clunky blog and why use your real name?
I’ve had this site since 2005, but it’s very easy to sign up to ‘hive’ sites, ie medium, gamasutra, etc.
But they all look the same, like facebook profiles, it’s dehumanizing, we’re all different.
More importantly, as of 2018 there is a lot of censorship on free sites, here I can write what I like.Flatpress is old and clunky, but it’s simple PHP, portable and I can modify how I like!
pmwiki is a cool PHP flatfile CMS and a good replacement for my old site.
I use my real name because I want my ‘work’ attributed to me, also it’s something that can’t be copied.
For more information on these principles, read/listen Jaron Lanier’s book, You Are Not a Gadget, if you work online, it’s worth the investment!
Why didn’t I continue with game development when I was younger?
In the late 1990’s, game development was a lot harder and there was a lot less information.
The little I did on the Net Yaroze, I found it cool and rewarding and very challenging.
I thought I wasn’t proficient enough for the limited amount of work that was out there (compared to JAVA, Oracle, SAP R3, Business Analysis, etc, etc).
Also, the Dot-com bubble burst happened when I finished university.
In hind sight, I did more on the Net Yaroze then most owners (website & active on the newsgroup, I also coded a 3D demo!).
But I don’t regret it, I wanted to be independent and move out of home, and I did!
Are you on patreon?
Yes, but not as a creator, https://www.patreon.com/mike_mgarcia .
Any questions, please ask via Contact Me or below.
Archived 2005 - Oct. 2018
http://mgarcia.org - Sitemap - Search
http://netyaroze-europe.com - Sitemap - Search
2 comments on "About Me"
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