3DS #Nindie Category

N64 GameJam with former N64 developers as judges

October 08, 2020, at 02:07 AM by mgarcia in 2020, Industry, 3DS, Pics, GameDev, Blog (1 comments)

N64 Dev Game Jam from Oct.13th-Dec.13th, 2020. Some Awesome former N64 Devs will be judging as well! Compete against others and teams to make a N64 game....



Poor man's 3D Collision Detection

November 10, 2019, at 09:54 AM by mgarcia in 2019, 3DS, Pics, GameDev, Blog (2 comments)

Its been a while since Ive updated my gamedev blog on my actual game, Ive been focused on other things mostly, and also figuring out a quick and dirty....

Image: Poor mans Collision Detection


GameJams.... is it good practice?

June 17, 2019, at 03:24 PM by mgarcia in 2019, Industry, 3DS, Pics, GameDev, Blog (2 comments)

Practice, is the repetitive process in which we learn. GameJams, is really about finishing a (small) project. Both are good, but two completely differ....

Image: GameJams is it good practice


More game engine grunt work

April 20, 2019, at 05:53 AM by mgarcia in 2019, Blog, 3DS, GameDev, Industry, NetYaroze (0 comments)

Some of it fun, some of it not so much fun....

Image: More game engine grunt work


Dev Ops with Nintendo 3DS game development

March 05, 2019, at 09:20 AM by mgarcia in 2019, 3DS, Pics, GameDev, Blog (4 comments)

The problem with starting from scratch, is just that, it requires everything to be redone.. even a new development workflow AKA dev-ops, new make and ....

Image: new make and


Restarting on a new engine... crazy I know!

February 27, 2019, at 08:26 AM by mgarcia in 2019, 3DS, PC, Pics, GameDev, Blog (1 comments)

Yeah, it sucks to go back to nothing.. but had to be done. Targeting the original Nintendo 3DS with 3D requires a pretty lean engine. And while my old....

Image: Restarting on a new engine crazy I know


A gamedev's answer to Why do New 3DS 2DS exclusive games exist?

December 11, 2018, at 02:37 AM by mgarcia in 2018, Blog, 3DS, GameDev (3 comments)

Because the original is too under powered for indies and it has better controls.

Archived (opens in new window)

2018/10/28 - Nintendo 3DS #Nindie game development blog 004 October: A gamedev break and Net Yaroze stuff
2018/09/28 - Nintendo 3DS #Nindie game development blog 003 September: Simple 3D World Design
2018/08/24 - Nintendo 3DS #Nindie game development blog 002 August: 2D Elements, Performance Testing & Health
2018/08/02 - Nintendo 3DS game development blog 001 - Hello world
2018/04/10 - Why indie developers should consider making games for the Nintendo 3DS!

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