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Dev Ops with Nintendo 3DS game development
March 05, 2019, at 09:20 AM (4 comments)
Title: Dev Ops with Nintendo 3DS game development Author: mgarcia Date: 2019-03-05 19:20 +1100 Tags: 2019, 3DS, Pics, GameDev, Blog Comments: Open

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4 comments on "Dev Ops with Nintendo 3DS game development"
But, on the plus side of having done it before, I can do it better... and quicker.
Instead of taking a few days,it took me few hours (nothing works first time) :/
Yes it takes a while to go through the compiler settings for the first time, especially when it's not a 'standard' PC one.
I'm not a C/C++ and toolchain expert and while I don't struggle with GCC, Make, etc (I know everybody is using CMake or better these days), having multiple targets like, hardware (and Operating Systems) and different builds like debug and release, it gets complicated fast!
I try to be a minimalist when it comes to Dev-Ops, I get by with:
* Eclipse - which I also use for Java and PHP dev.
* Makefile - Powerful and speeds up the coding times.
* Scripts - Linux bash scripts and Windows batch files automate none-coding related task, ie moving or updating of images, configs etc.
So, now I can target the 3DS, but it's still going to take a while to get where I was.
I haven't tested the performance difference yet, I'm hoping for for double the rendered polygons (2000 triangles) at 60FPS but there's still a bit to do.. like getting text to display, loading models etc, etc, etc.
Thanks for reading.
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Currently, it does not do stereoscopic :'(
I try and get it going now and then.. but keep failing.
Stereoscopic on 3DS is pretty clever, it just redraws (with a lot of optimization) the screen again, using a slightly different view angle.
The New 3DS XL stereoscopic is way better then the OG flickery mess.
It's meant to be pretty trivial to do.. but I'm not using Nintendo's maths API, so it's getting the two to work together.
Not sure how it is on unity3D... probably just a on/off UI switch =D.
BTW, I follow your
You haven't posted since Oct :P