First new blog post on new site
October 31, 2018, at 10:35 AM (0 comments)
Author: mgarcia Date: 2018-10-31 20:35 +1100 Tags: 2018, Blog, Misc Comments: Open
First post of the new site!

New server!
Introducing my new server: A Raspberry Pi Zero W!
It's powered by the ADSL router and still sitting on top of my old PC server.
The Raspberry Pi W runs the following:
- My two sites, which incidentally are archived here:
- And, I'm also capturing 3 camera's using
Not bad for a 700mhz USB machine!
And easy to backup, just
archive: sudo dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 conv=sync,noerror bs=10M | gzip -c > pi_img3_apacheConfigured_CMS_installed.gz
reinstate: sudo gzip -c pi_img3_apacheConfigured_CMS_installed.gz | dd of=/dev/mmcblk0 conv=sync,noerror
I followed this simple tutorial to get Apache & PHP going, plus I've been using linux, Apache and PHP for a long time now ;)
What happened?
Funny story, I added a script which deleted old logs to crontab to run every Monday, well last Monday (29th October) I could see my sites but couldn't log onto the server! The script deleted my /usr/home directory!
Anyway, it was a good opportunity to move on from flatpress, my old flat file CMS to something new and better, a flat file wiki, .
The only problem is that the had a complicated backend, and it'll take time to recreate.
An IndieWeb Webring πΈπ