I'm sick of the Twitter popularity contest

January 06, 2019, at 01:23 PM by mgarcia in 2019, Industry, GameDev, Blog, Pics (1 comments)

Author: mgarcia Date: 2019-01-06 23:23 +1100 Tags: 2019, Industry, GameDev, Blog, Pics Comments: Open

Image: Blog.Im-sick-of-the-Twitter-popularity-contest

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1 comments on "I'm sick of the Twitter popularity contest"

  • mgarcia: 2019-01-06 23:23 +1100
    Twitter follow parity is liberating!

    Still early days but its pretty cool!

    I got a script which auto follows and unfollows back.
    My feed is strange but interesting.
    I'm not compelled to check it much.
    It's very spammy but I just block the spammers.

    I have a private list of people I like and Blog with, which I can only check on my desktop!

    So far so good...

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