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My all in one texture
April 20, 2019, at 07:05 AM (0 comments)
Title: My all in one texture Author: mgarcia Date: 2019-04-20 15:05 +1000 Tags: 2019, Pics Comments: Open

Click to view original image: 186kb
Tilable (repeating textures) images from
The font is created using Codehead's Bitmap Font Generator:
Created using this script:
- Bash script-
main_size=1024 text_size=64 _width=0 _height=0 rm *.tga cd non-alpha/64 rm ../*.tga for img in *.tga ; do echo "file $img"; echo "size $size"; echo "_width $_width"; echo "_height $_height"; convert ../append_row-$_height.tga $img +append ../append_row-$_height.tga _width=$((_width+text_size)); if ((_height >= main_size)); then echo error height exit fi if ((_width >= main_size)); then _width=0; _height=$((_height+text_size)); fi echo " " echo " " done cd .. for img in *.tga ; do echo "file $i"; echo "size $size"; echo "_width $_width"; echo "_height $_height"; echo convert all.tga $img -append all.tga convert all.tga $img -append all.tga echo " " done convert -size 1024x1024 xc:transparent -compress none bigAlpha.tga composite -compress none -gravity north all.tga bigAlpha.tga bigAlpha.tga cp bigAlpha.tga .. cd .. echo put the font at the bottom. composite -compress none -gravity south alpha/CBFG/text.tga bigAlpha.tga bigAlpha.tga
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