The legit consoles at EB games. NES classic 20AUD cheaper

February 02, 2019, at 09:49 AM by mgarcia in 2019, Pics (3 comments)

Title: The legit consoles at EB games. NES classic 20AUD cheaper Author: mgarcia Date: 2019-02-02 19:49 +1100 Tags: 2019, Pics Comments: Open

Image: Blog.2019-02-02-The-legit-consoles-at-EB-games-NES-classic-20AUD-cheaper

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3 comments on "The legit consoles at EB games. NES classic 20AUD cheaper"

  • mgarcia: 2019-02-02 19:49 +1100
    Noticed the SNES is sold out.

  • Levi D. Smith: 2019-02-03 17:31 +1100
    Glad to see that you are still posting on your site. I was a little worried when I couldn't find you on the blue bird anymore. I really need to get off social media and work on posting everything to my site.
  • mgarcia: 2019-02-05 11:50 +1100
    Hey Levi : )
    Thanks for dropping by.. I deleted my twitter and recreated @mgarcia_org as a RSS feed bot, I don't log in.
    My site posts to tweeter so I don't have to :D

    I've gone back to RSS and added your site:

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