Physics ball/maze games

I haven’t had much time to program my ball/maze physics game, using Gameplay3d C++ framework/engine.

Here was my first video, Feb 24, 2014

Here I set up the basic programming of the block physics.
The blocks are generated via code and UV mapped with a texture.
The maze is just an array of 0’s and 1’s, the 1’s being a static block 0’s being a physics block which reacts with the static blocks.
The blocks are inserted into a parent node based on the array and then rotated.
It’s a quick and dirty way of getting a level up and running.

And my latest video, Mar 4, 2014

I added a generated ball with a participle trail and controls to move the camera.

Future work
In the (hopeful) near future I plan on:
Do better static and movable blocks using Shade3D for Unity.
Use a level design tool like Tiled.