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This is an interesting story, and one which isn’t very well known.
It’s a hint to what it would have been like to work with the early Playstation technology and what would become the Net Yaroze a few years later!
In the mid 1980’s, An electronic engineer at Sony’s R&D, Ken Kutaragi watched his child playing Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) which made him interested in video games, around the same time he also saw the System G (System Gazo) a real-time 3-D texture mapping render.
System G was a geometric engine for 3-D processing, developed for broadcasting networks.
An example of a current application is its use by Nippon Television Network Co. to change the size of computer-generated faces in the popular TV program Denpa Shonen.
In the early 90’s PC game’s were mostly programmed in C with some assembly parts for performance, console games were mostly still programmed in assembly.
But assembly was still possible by small team developers because the chips were common and relatively simple, and 2D programming (and the 2D art pipeline) were well documented.
The Playstation’s hardware on the other hand, used more complicated and proprietary chips which made programming in assembly a non trivial task.
Adding to this, 3D was still new in video games and the learning curve of 3D programming (and the 3D art pipeline) would have made development on Playstation an impossible and drawn out feat for most small teams.
I assume Ken Kutaragi architectured the PlayStation based off System G and/or Sony’s NEWS 32bit RISC CPU workstations, the playstation did have many UNIX workstation standards, ie filesystem, Input/output,etc which would suggest that it could be operated and programmed just like a computer.
Although, computer video games of the late 80’s and early 90’s did use the hardware directly, largely thanks to PC hardware standards, other standards were beginning to emerge, like operating system related standards, including graphics.
Using these principles of (software) standards, Ken created a simplified, software interface (a 2D, 3D, audio, video and peripheral library for C programmers) to access all hardware features, obfuscating the hardware from their developers, he called the library: PS-X OS (as in Operating System).
His thinking was so they could easily make hardware changes and provide PS1 support on later console generations, just by maintaining the PS-X OS library.
As you would expect from a computer, but also making it very quick and easy for developers!
Enter Bill Guschwan, he was part of the Sony US Playstation developer support team, previously working at 3DO in a similar role.
As part of the SCEA engineering launch team, he had access to in-depth hardware information and he helped developers get straight to the hardware when Sony itself prohibited it!
Obviously Ken wasn’t happy with this!
Listen from 8 minutes:
This is not homebrew, it’s #Nindie
Continuing from my previous post, I got a basic 3D engine running on the 3DS with basic colour (RGA) and textured (with transparency) polygons.
I didn’t think I would blog specifically about what I’m doing game development wise, but here goes.
It’s mostly a commentary about my random twitter and youtube posts.
I’ll try and keep the dev blogs not so wordy and long.
It will be technical but not in great detail.
I guess this blog is mostly for other game developers, programmers and gamers interested in how the ‘console’ game sausage is made?
Regardless, it reminds me of the few times I updated my Net Yaroze members site, so so many years ago!
The real start of this blog would be the huge post I wrote on Why indie developers should consider making games for the Nintendo 3DS.
Anyway, after the learning curve of the 3DS hardware & software, and getting the development environment working, came the hard part… the actual development!
[This is not homebrew, it’s #Nindie]
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This started with just a quick analysis of Bubsy 3D, but that bobcat hole just kept going!
Instead, turning into why Bubsy 3D and most early Playstation games look the way they do.
Bubsy 3D comes up as one of the worst games in the Playstation’s library.
In it’s defense, it was among the first ‘open world’ 3D platform games created.
Sure tank controls (Up/Down: moving & Left/Right: rotating) are horrible now, but it was common in early 3D games.
And the fixed camera was also very common, the L2 button controls the camera, this was a time before dual analog sticks.
The design of the game is pretty limited, Bubsy can jump, shoot, run (or swim in water levels), climb and glide.
The level features are interesting but stark, moving platforms, helicopter switches and a rail system.
For it’s lack of design and features, it does have a lot of gameplay with 18 levels (some large), 4 bosses and repeatability in that collecting all the pieces of the rocket gives you the “good ending”.
However, it’s always criticized for it’s (lack of) visuals and often compared to Crash Bandicoot and Super Mario 64.
The only thing they have in common is that they came out weeks apart from each other.
A few reasons, the game runs at the PlayStation’s highest resolution, which is in interlace mode.
This resolution on the Playstation was mostly for low CPU GPU tasks like rendering static images (ie intro & menu screens) or videos (MPEG).
Very few games run at this high resolution in game and in 3D.
It forced the fastest display refreshing the TV & Playstation can perform, (PAL:60 NTSC:50 frames per second).
And well, flat coloured polygons is what the hardware can render the fastest! (NB: lines aren’t polygons).
Perhaps the original concept was to make Bubsy 3D similar in style to what 3D games were already out in 1994.
Like Sega’s early 3D “Virtua” games which are mostly flat shaded, but unfortunately very dated for the end of 1996.
I personally like the style, it’s reminiscent of the late 80’s and early 90’s 3D.
So with very little textures, I guess it made sense to use the largest amount of VRAM for resolution.
Lets be honest, this is abuse, it’s targeted hate speech towards the developer (FYI, Seth didn’t sell his studio).
It’s not a “negative review” nor is it a “comment about the game”.
It doesn’t mention the game at all, just a lack of online players ( and in my day, we BYO’ed friends😁)
And not being updated (again in my day software was finished when it’s burnt to physical media).
He finishes up with a death threat at the end.
This isn’t acceptable, yet it’s tolerated and normal in today’s online world!
[Read More…]
The TL;DR version is:
Update: I’ve started blogging my 3DS #Nindie game development.
Firstly, I’ll start by saying, I’m no indie, I’m just an old hobbyist, so take all this with a grain of salt!
Also, if it’s not apparent by my (Playstation) site, I’m not a Nintendo FanBoy, but there’s a lot that impressed me with the 3DS!
But to “Do the Math”
The Atari Jaguar slogan “Do the Math” is very apt here, with over 70+ million original 3DS compatible units in the wild and with only about 15 new games being launched per month, it’s a financial “no brainier” to be on 3DS! (Not actual financial advice)
When visual style is one of the distinguishing features of a game, it is important to recognize that an ad hoc approach is not a sure way to execute a strong visual direction. There are less than a handful of cases where such an approach has worked and usually there is a strong vision to begin with that helps guide the direction. The typical game development approach involves floundering around in hopes that a direction will magically appear; this naïveté can be the death of an original project and is easily remedied. If you know where to look, and know how to plan, resources are available that can help jumpstart the creative process and actually save production time.
As the scope of game projects attempt to match the entertainment value of feature film productions, game companies are specializing, adding new departments that mimic film production models, adopting a more disciplined approach to pre-production. This approach is not just necessary for monster budget games, but also for competitive more moderately budgeted games and game companies will look to feature film animation professionals and CG film professionals to help answer the call.
Using Crash Nitro Kart released for the Game Cube, Playstation 2, XBOX and GameBoy Advance, as an example of an approach to visual development, this article highlights some of the challenges faced and processes used by visualization teams at Vicarious Visions in Troy, NY and Animation Academy in Burbank, CA to bring a game vision into focus for a cartoon-style racer.